Kuebler Kids Party Schedule:
- Arrive and snack
- Eat a meal
- Watch the video my husband made of the birthday child's last year to life
- Open presents with Mama's help
- Cake
- Play with gifts and hang out as long as everyone wants to stay
Not kidding -it's exactly the same every time. We have done 4 of these parties for Eli, 1 for Emmie, and now 3 for Isaac... that is a total of 8 of the exact same party (with differing themes of coarse).
This year there was a little mixing it up at the end. My sister is laws - well really my entire in law family are crazy runners. They do sprint triathlons, marathons (which my parent in laws started doing after they were 60), mini's, trail races... They run a lot at family events. Like we eat Easter dinner and everyone goes for a run. No pressure here, as I have been the pregnant fat one for the last 6 years. Well, yesterday was a milestone in that I also go to run - with much encouragement from my sister in laws who kindly ran my 10 minute mile pace for a few miles before they took off for some extra mileage at what looked like a lion chasing it prey pace to me. So yesterday when we got to the hang out time it included me running with my running family. I only made it a few miles, but at least I am doing it!
Back to my point (although maybe my point should be that my 60+ year old in laws can out run me - they are seriously impressive!!!). My real point is that I found a picture of me at Isaac's party last year and a similar one from this year (during the opening of presents of coarse, as that is where I come into the party schedule for the last 8 parties). Here they are...
Last completely unrelated note: I have been reading a blog of a women that does triathlons... she is now training for an Iornman. In all posts she refers to her husband as "the expert". My neighbor (who also reads it - I mean it is really inspirational) and I can't figure out if her husband is really an expert at something or she just calls his the expert. All that to say I need a name like this for my husband as he loves to tell me when I should and should not work out. In his defense he is just worried that if I go to hard to soon I will hurt myself and never again swim, bike, or run. But I still think he needs a sarcastic name like this... I am open to suggestions :) I have a feeling he will be more then happy to come up with his own name, which is why I love "my expert".