Dec 28, 2012

one of them...

Yep - I want to be one of them... one of the new people at the gym the first week of January that make it that the regulars (those people that exercise year round) can't find a treadmill.  If it helps - I plan on going in the morning before my family awakens or before work- yes I will now come to grips with the fact this is the only way I will get this done- bummer because I love to sleep!

I was on such a roll in the summer and then the kids got croup, we needed to get my mom's house sold, the kids continued to be sick (it's Dec and we have fevers again), we needed to get my mom moved, Christmas was coming, and on and on. 

As all this comes to a close - I am ready to get my life in order.  I watched 2 episodes of supernanny last night and am again reminded my crazy kids need some routine, that I need to prepare for tomorrow the night before, and need to rise from bed before my children wake me up. 

I want to run again, I want to swim (better on my knee and hip), I want to get these last 16 pounds off, I want to have energy, crochet again, and get some of the extra STUFF out of my house so I can be organized again!  - then I want to go to wine and canvas and celebrate!  And I want to go in my red pants - red pants that fit better because I am nice and fit :)

Ready - SET - GO!!!

Oct 11, 2012

We had the plague!

Since the 2nd week of July someone in our house has been ill... and I mean off and on coughing till you puck, green mucous, teeth cutting pain, snot all over your shirt sleeves kind of ILL!  Mike (husband) is the only one that did not catch it and he spent all his time - this will shock you - cleaning up after all of us!  I stopped running and counting calories in order to just survive and make enough milk to feed the baby through the illness.  We have not been out church in way over a month - new moms in the nursing mothers room don't take kindly to women hacking up a lung in the 5 x 5 room we all feed in.  In the midst of all this sickness we have got my mom's house ready to sell.   It's been a little crazy!

All that to say, we have not felt normal (or a least our version of normal) for months!  Today however, feels like a breaking point.  I only coughed once and I did not ever (WARNING:  this might be too much information) pee my pants!  I encouraged Eli to pick a birthday party theme.  It is in a month and a half so we need to get moving on this :)   Eli and I searched our little hearts out and "pinned" Lego ideas till we were all "pinned" out.  I started to make a paper-mache pinata with Isaac for a fall festival we are having with the neighbors.  I used my canning supplies I got from amazon yesterday and canned for the first time!  What in the world did people do before You Tube and Pinterst - I mean lets say you wake up and think "today I will can some apple butter and make a pinata" but you have never done these things in your life - how did you figure that out?  And lets say you finished that and wanted to start making Lego birthday supplies but did not have a board for that on Pinterest where you steal others amazing ideas - how did you make your 6 year old think you were amazing and that you came up with this brilliant idea to turn baby food jars into Lego head containers using things you already have at home?

So, as you can see - I think we are back to our normal... we are baking, crafting, and only cleaning when we must.  And let me give you an example of MUST as we had one this morning:

Must is when your children (the ones that can talk) wake up and say "I want to take a bath" so you put them in the bathtub and go to feed the crying baby.  While you are doing so, your oldest says "Oh no!  We are surrounded by poop!!!" and because he has a crazy imagination and your middle child is cracking up you say "Are you playing 'imagination' in there or is there really poop?", and then he says "Mama, there is really poop and I HAVE to get out of here".  You put down the feeding (now crying) baby to find that in fact the middle child has had diarrhea in the bath-water that contains every, and I mean every, bath toy you own... This is when you MUST clean (and use bleach).   

I think I will start running this week!  My mom's house is on the market (2 showings tonight!!!!), I have a treadmill in my garage (benefit of cleaning out your mom's house), I am weaning the baby so dieting is in my near future, and my bathtub is sparkly clean! - I feel motivated!

Jul 23, 2012

Where have i been

I am blogging from my bed while craziness happens around me. In the last few weeks we have volunteered at a junior high week of church camp, mike went to chicago for a few nights then to michigan for work, 2 of the 3 kids have had croup, I hurt my knee running, my running partner got a herniated disc and is stuck in bed, emmie has a cold, we picked out my dads momument, ants took over part of the kitchen, the pipes under the kitchen sink busted....  I will now just skip to why I am tring to lay in bed... I have mastitis!  Awesome!   So there is why I am not cleaning or running or blogging!   I am typing this from my phone and don't plan to re-read it as I can't imagine how many typos there are.  My last few weeks have been a pot of odd crazy things... as I listen to eli hack up a lung down stairs.  I also had to stop watching what I ate because my milk supply dropped.  BUT... I WILL NOT QUIT.   I managed to get fitted to different shoes.  The people at blue mile in indy are awesome!  They took back my old shoes with no receipt and put me in new ones.  My amazing friend that is a trainer told me how to care for and strengthen my knee... back to week 2 of couch to 5K for me.  So whem the mastitis clears I will try try again!   In the meantime I will care for kids, be sick, and thank God that my husband cleaned the house this weekend.   Here is a picture of my new shoes because I don't think anyone wants to see a picture of my mastitis

Jul 4, 2012

Guess what - I did not clean today

Guess what - I did not clean today.  I mean I did straighten up the house and I did pull out the vacuum to clean up the the entire box of chex cereal Isaac dumped on the floor before I was even down the stairs this morning.  But did I dust, mop, or clean a toilet? - NO.  Not because I did not have time but because I was busy with the following

1.  Researching backyard Chickens - I NEED THESE!  Mike says "we will see".  When I asked why we will only "see", he said "because I want to wait and see what you think you need next week before we go and buy chickens - lets see if you still want them in a month or move onto something else" - oh he knows me too well.  What neither of us know is what I will think in a month and if I will moved onto something else - I don't even know... the excitement of being me :)

2.  Running - YES, I RAN again!  So that only took 40 minutes including stretching but the coffee I had to have with my running partner afterwards took up another hour or so!  What took more of my day then running itself was the hour I spent going back and forth from the fitting room to the sports bra area at target trying to find the perfect sports bra for a nursing mom - It does not exist!!!!  Again - more time wasted getting ready to run then actually running.  Can I also mention that my arm strap for my phone has yet to arrive.  I have chose to no longer keep my phone in my pants - I just carry it.  It's a pain but better then having to take my phone in for a new one because it got "water" damage in my pants. 

3.  Looking at how to make a teething necklace for my daughter - which I now feel like I MUST do before we leave to volunteer at a week of junior high church camp in two days.  I would much rather baby girl has this to pull on and chew on then my shirt while I am with a bunch of junior high boys - no need to scar anyone for life.  Once I see something I have a compulsion that I must make it RIGHT NOW!  So somehow I must figure out how to get to the craft store in the next few days to make this!  (They are closed now and I work tomorrow- killing me to wait this long!)  And of coarse -  I have started to think about how I need to sell them and make lots because who does not want one when you have a teething baby - I am going to let that thought go and stick with the chickens for now and maybe make a friend or two a necklace.  Who else feels they have to have this???

4.  Going over our budget with the hubby to find we have spent WAY too much money on groceries since we started eating organic, cage free, and meat from animals that don't eat corn (I think that is right) - the food thing was really all my husband.  I just do as he instructs and get really excited he is at least trying to eat healthier.  We decided we will not give up our improved eating habits and our new shopping habits (more fair trade) so we really need to hit Trader Joe's more where it is a least a little more cost effective.  So then I go to Trader Joe's - is there anyone else that can just wonder around this little grocery forever?  Mike and I actually argured over who got to go as we love to find new healthy options for us and the kids.  I won (yeah!) because I said he could not pick out my yogurt :)

Wish me luck - we leave for camp on Saturday.  I am going to try to RUN three times, eat within my calorie limits (believe it or not our camp food is AMAZING so this will be hard), lead a group of junior high girls closer to Christ, run around and play games like I am a junior high girl, breastfeed my baby (yes all three kids go), get my kids to bed at night... and most important - make purses and hair bows out of duct tape, make bracelets out of pop-can tabs, and scarves out of old t-shirts!!!!!!!!!  This upcoming week is my heaven on earth!!!!!  Can't wait!  And not a bit of that was sarcasm - I love junior highers! 

Jul 1, 2012

Shoes, Burpees, and Boobs - Oh MY!

*BEFORE YOU READ*  My husband said my last post was good but TOO long.  I mean does he even know me.  I talk to much so is anyone surprised it comes out in my typing/blogging????  This is another long one!

So I did it... I have successfully completed the following!

- Fitted for new running shoes - check
- Completed not one, but two days of the Couch to 5K  running program - check
- Forced my neighbor to start the C25K program with me – she might move away now but check
- Again started to count Calories via the my fittness pal app - check
- Did a few days of a 5 minute abs workout on my Comcast On-Demand that is free – check check
- Made some healthy things – a very yucky check

All sounds great right.  I could stop there and look like the rockn mom that has it together but that's NO fun!  Instead let me list the blunders that have taken place over the last few days around these things.

To start - I made muffins (AKA be sure to get a HUGE glass of water to try to wash these down "muffins").  I have been attempting to bake healthier.  Sometimes it turns out great and sometimes it turns out like these.  When Isaac tried to take a bite, I swear the muffin morphed back into it's original state of flour and baking powder.  It crumbled into so many pieces that I could have put it back in the flour bag and cooked with it again.  Mike actually ate these for breakfast for a few days - I think he felt pressure after my last post reported that I love to cook new things and he hates to try them.  Thanks for being a  good sport!

Next, I went to get fitted for running shoes per my doctors order due to the fact my right knee sounds like the snap crackle pop in a rice krispies commercial when I go up the stairs.  Due to the fact health care is expensive and we have all excepted this, I assumed my husband would accept that this will cost about 140.00 - I did not mention this till I got home with my shoes.  His response "what?  My shoes were 40.00 on sale at Kohls"  My response "doctors orders".  I wonder if I can get the doctor to insist I have an i-phone to replace my droid? 

When I went to get my shoes, I forgot to wear a sports bra.  To anyone that has had children and breastfed or had the mother of their children do so, you understand why this WAS NOT A GOOD THING!  But I did not realize I had forgot to wear this till I was almost to the store and being I actually was in the car, by myself, headed to the shoe store I WAS NOT TURING AROUND.  This resulted in a very embarrassed me and very uncomfortable employee at the shoe store.  As I ran on a treadmill almost knocked myself out with my utters.  But I left with shoes (and a red face).  I did not get the HOT PINK shoes that screamed I am a runner,
but instead some that supported my ankle and will help my knee – some of the most boring shoes in the store.

Then, it was time to run.  I went to find my i-pod, not charged.  I tried to charge it - could not find charger.  I find charger - not even sure I am doing this right (can you tell I don't use my i-pod - but if I had an i-phone I am sure I would... hint hint again Mike!)  I find earphones that go around my ear - score!  I get my i-pod - it's charged... YES!   I download the C25K app - great.  I now realize I need to plug into my phone to hear the cues from the monotone women that will tell me when to walk and run so I leave my i-pod on the front porch - awesome waste of time.  I start to walk and realize I don't know what to do with my phone.  I put it in my pants - as I run I sweat and it falls into my pants many many many times and gets nice and wet from sweat but still works.  I proceed to get hit in the face many times with the cords to my earphones and think "what do people do with these?"  I wrap them up and also stick them in my pants.   I already have some extra weight on these bones making it harder to run, but now I have pants full of electronics. 

Day 2 of running I made my neighbor go - I will post more on that after she signs the consent for me to post about her :)

Day 2 of my 5 minute abs I have to do a 1/2 burpee.  I don't even know what a whole burpee is let alone a 1/2?  I got about 20 second into my 1/2 burpees and thought this needs to be called an "I can't"ee" not a burpee - that was HARD.  If you also have no idea what a burpee is here is a link.  I think it is all the rage in the workout world - but because I have only done a ½ vs a whole I don't think I am officially in that world yet.

Update from post one:  I will NOT be posting the picture of me in little bity running clothes I used to be able to wear.  I had Eli (my 5 year old) take a picture of me in them.  I laughed so hard I almost peed my pants (not that it takes much after having 3 kids).  I think I will use it for personal motivation and post it AFTER I have an after picture that looks better to put next to it. Apparently this is what most “before and after” bloggers do anyway.   I have also purchased this device for my arm so my pants only have things in them that belong in pants. 

last little note:  I could not find a picture of my shoe because you can't google "boring running shoe" and have my shoe just appear.  But you can google "cool hot pink Nike running shoe" and have the one I wanted come up :(

Jun 28, 2012

Will I ever stick with anything - including this...

Sometimes I wonder if I am normal?  If you know me please DO NOT respond - I am not ready for feedback on that question... after all I am only 4 months postpartum and I was not real emotionally stable before 3 kids let alone now! 

My college roommate recently started a Blog.  Not a blog with nothing but pictures and updates on her family (the kind I did and died with the rise of facebook), but one about herself and her journey to being a fit mom (The Fit Mom Life).  She has not been at it long, but I find it so inspiring.  It led me to other blogs by mom's - and before you knew it I was ready to jump out of be and run a few miles then come home and clean.  I loved reading the real stories of people kind of like me. 

I have decided to copy her and try starting a blog of my own.  For anyone that MIGHT even take the time to read or follow this I warn you..

WARNING:  I don't seem to stick with anything for very long!

Here is a list of things I have started in the last 5 years and failed to stick with.
Feel free to laugh because at least one is ridiculous! 
  1.  Starting a small buisness selling things made of Duct Tape - yep this is the one you can laugh at!  I even had a website. - OH - I quit before I sold even one thing!  But I do have a few duct tape purses if you are interested. 
 2. .ETSY - oh I still have a site but when I posted a few crochet items and no one looked at them I quickly gave up.  My house is FULL of things I could post but I don't - if you need a baby hat PLEASE contact me as my craft room has bins full of them and there are not enough heads in our house for all of them!

3.  Getting up early to do a bible study - I like to sleep too much. I think this is also called being lazy.

4.  Do a Bible Study with my husband at night - we have 3 kids and a dozen other excuses.

5.  Heck - any kind of consistent Bible Study.  I was even in a group last year but with the health problems my dad had and then his death a few months after a stroke, I failed to make it to most of these...  This was not meant to depress anyone -it's just real life.

6.  Facebook - NOW THIS I EXCEL at to the point of failure.  I am "that" person you block. The one that posts TOO much.  I am so clearly the mom at home that needs a social outlet.  It seems to come out in telling everyone about every move I make on facebook.

7.  Starting my own Website to sell CakePops - yes I know, you would think I learned after the Duct Tape thing and the ETSY site.  But I did not.  My poor poor husband.  I AGAIN made him make me a website.  I thought using blogger would be "easier" and I would use it (Kute by Kari).  AND - it's free so if it failed what is the harm right (we actually paid for the duct tape website).  Well, wasted time and unmet expectations is the harm.  It worked at first.  I did a good 5-10 orders.  I decided to donate all the money to a  wonderful cause.  Well, since the birth of my baby girl (really MONTHS before this), I have not touched it and still have not written the check I owe to the Invisible Girl Project - now that I put that in writing for you all to see I WILL be doing it this week!!!!

8.  ANY and ALL forms of exercise.  This includes biking.  Biking was new thing I was GOING to do for sure.  My neighbor gave us a bike.  I cleaned it up and got it all ready.  I think my husband and I took the kids into Broadripple for dinner one time on the bikes - yep have not been on it since!  
9.  Cleaning schedule for my house, weekly task lists, rotating menu's, set laundry day, set grocery day....  I could keep going and going and going!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    All that to say - I think I might - just might - be more normal then I think.  If not, let me start the blog to share my abnormallness.  If so, let me start another blog in the blog world to share with others how "abnormal" we all are.  

    What do I think I am going blog here?

    Well after all the blog reading I have done lately I am thinking of posting "my life" which consists of a variety of things... 

    -kids (I have 3 now)
    -calorie counting (hoping I will develop a follower or two that hold me to this)
    -exercise (I am going to try again! and I love blogs with before and after pictures - I want a before and after picture!)
    -cooking (I love to cook and my husband HATES to try new things... that is always fun)
    -following Christ (or attempting too in a busy crazy life/world)
    -CRAFTING (what I do more then I should)
    -organizing (but failing to use the system)
    -marriage (tyring not to take my fatigue and frustration out on my hubby)
    -eating healthy (my husband watched Food Inc. and now we try to eat organic) 
    -breastfeeding (this should be first as it takes most of my time - but I love that baby GIRL)

    I spend most of my days doing odd things and thinking "I should be cleaning".  So, I think I will blog about what I do when I should be cleaning. 

    I wonder if anyone will read this?  I wonder if I could inspire anyone or make anyone feel more normal?

    Either way I am going to give it a shot.  In my brain this morning I could think of a thousand things to type out... so if no one reads this at least I will have fun typing!  Maybe I'll save some entries for my kids to read in 50 years and laugh at.

    Not the real question - WILL IT LAST????

    DISCLAIMER:  I CAN'T SPELL.  MY GRAMMAR SUCKS.   I DON'T HAVE A LOT OF TIME TO WRITE LET ALONE PROOF-READ.  If any this will drive you crazy I am sooo sorry.  It's a huge fault of mine but one I am stuck with. You might not want to follow me.

    What I really wanted to write about but would make this tooooooo long:
    I got up this morning and put on running clothes after being inspired by bloggers last night!
    I plan on going and getting fitted for running shoes tonight!
    I plan on again starting to count calories again!
    I want to be in shape, feel great, and look amazing!
    I will probably craft all day, clean a toilet or two, and fall asleep in running clothes and no new shoes - I challenge myself to make the latter not come true!  I hope to post a picture of my new shoes soon.

    I also had a very random before and after idea - I have running clothes I wore when I was much skinnier.
    I might take my before picture in these (oh they are 2 sizes to small at least - not pretty)
    I would love my after picture to be in these clothes looking great!
    Do I dare embarrass myself - I say yes?