Sometimes I wonder if I am normal? If you know me please DO NOT respond - I am not ready for feedback on that question... after all I am only 4 months postpartum and I was not real emotionally stable before 3 kids let alone now!
My college roommate recently started a Blog. Not a blog with nothing but pictures and updates on her family (the kind I did and died with the rise of facebook), but one about herself and her journey to being a fit mom (The Fit Mom Life). She has not been at it long, but I find it so inspiring. It led me to other blogs by mom's - and before you knew it I was ready to jump out of be and run a few miles then come home and clean. I loved reading the real stories of people kind of like me.
I have decided to copy her and try starting a blog of my own. For anyone that MIGHT even take the time to read or follow this I warn you..
WARNING: I don't seem to stick with anything for very long!
Here is a list of things I have started in the last 5 years and failed to stick with.
Feel free to laugh because at least one is ridiculous!
- Starting a small buisness selling things made of Duct Tape - yep this is the one you can laugh at! I even had a website. - OH - I quit before I sold even one thing! But I do have a few duct tape purses if you are interested.
3. Getting up early to do a bible study - I like to sleep too much. I think this is also called being lazy.
4. Do a Bible Study with my husband at night - we have 3 kids and a dozen other excuses.
5. Heck - any kind of consistent Bible Study. I was even in a group last year but with the health problems my dad had and then his death a few months after a stroke, I failed to make it to most of these... This was not meant to depress anyone -it's just real life.
6. Facebook - NOW THIS I EXCEL at to the point of failure. I am "that" person you block. The one that posts TOO much. I am so clearly the mom at home that needs a social outlet. It seems to come out in telling everyone about every move I make on facebook.
7. Starting my own Website to sell CakePops - yes I know, you would think I learned after the Duct Tape thing and the ETSY site. But I did not. My poor poor husband. I AGAIN made him make me a website. I thought using blogger would be "easier" and I would use it (Kute by Kari). AND - it's free so if it failed what is the harm right (we actually paid for the duct tape website). Well, wasted time and unmet expectations is the harm. It worked at first. I did a good 5-10 orders. I decided to donate all the money to a wonderful cause. Well, since the birth of my baby girl (really MONTHS before this), I have not touched it and still have not written the check I owe to the Invisible Girl Project - now that I put that in writing for you all to see I WILL be doing it this week!!!!
8. ANY and ALL forms of exercise. This includes biking. Biking was new thing I was GOING to do for sure. My neighbor gave us a bike. I cleaned it up and got it all ready. I think my husband and I took the kids into Broadripple for dinner one time on the bikes - yep have not been on it since!
9. Cleaning schedule for my house, weekly task lists, rotating menu's, set laundry day, set grocery day.... I could keep going and going and going!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What do I think I am going blog here?
Well after all the blog reading I have done lately I am thinking of posting "my life" which consists of a variety of things...
-kids (I have 3 now)
-calorie counting (hoping I will develop a follower or two that hold me to this)
-exercise (I am going to try again! and I love blogs with before and after pictures - I want a before and after picture!)
-cooking (I love to cook and my husband HATES to try new things... that is always fun)
-following Christ (or attempting too in a busy crazy life/world)
-CRAFTING (what I do more then I should)
-organizing (but failing to use the system)
-marriage (tyring not to take my fatigue and frustration out on my hubby)
-eating healthy (my husband watched Food Inc. and now we try to eat organic)
-breastfeeding (this should be first as it takes most of my time - but I love that baby GIRL)
I spend most of my days doing odd things and thinking "I should be cleaning". So, I think I will blog about what I do when I should be cleaning.
I wonder if anyone will read this? I wonder if I could inspire anyone or make anyone feel more normal?
Either way I am going to give it a shot. In my brain this morning I could think of a thousand things to type out... so if no one reads this at least I will have fun typing! Maybe I'll save some entries for my kids to read in 50 years and laugh at.
Not the real question - WILL IT LAST????
DISCLAIMER: I CAN'T SPELL. MY GRAMMAR SUCKS. I DON'T HAVE A LOT OF TIME TO WRITE LET ALONE PROOF-READ. If any this will drive you crazy I am sooo sorry. It's a huge fault of mine but one I am stuck with. You might not want to follow me.
What I really wanted to write about but would make this tooooooo long:
I got up this morning and put on running clothes after being inspired by bloggers last night!
I plan on going and getting fitted for running shoes tonight!
I plan on again starting to count calories again!
I want to be in shape, feel great, and look amazing!
I will probably craft all day, clean a toilet or two, and fall asleep in running clothes and no new shoes - I challenge myself to make the latter not come true! I hope to post a picture of my new shoes soon.
I also had a very random before and after idea - I have running clothes I wore when I was much skinnier.
I might take my before picture in these (oh they are 2 sizes to small at least - not pretty)
I would love my after picture to be in these clothes looking great!
Do I dare embarrass myself - I say yes?
If you have this much time to write a blog post, then I expect some pumpkin bread sometime soon!!!